Starfish Project Foundation/The Beach
is open M – F, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Due to the upcoming I-35 & Santa Fe construction project, our current location will be going away. We are in dire need of a new location. Do you know a business or storage company that would be willing to donate space (retail/warehouse/dock preferred)? If so, please reach out to

We are ecstatic to share that our stay at our current location has been extended to May 1st. With that being said, we are still aggressively looking for our permanent location. Please help us by continuing to spread the word. Our goal is to meet the needs of our clients and is why we are here.
We stopped taking donations a few weeks ago, so we had less to move, but it also impacted our clients. With the extension, as of today, we are back to taking donations, (please no furniture still). We ask that you do not drop them outside when we are not open. We are here M – F, 9am – 5pm, and the second Saturday of every month.
In order to get more organized at our current location, we will be moving items to storage and will need help. We will be posting times and asking for people with trucks/trailers to help if they can. Stay tuned for those times to be posted. This is a huge relief for us and we look forward to serving our clients the best we can at our current location and adding services at our permanent location. Our sincerest thank you to the person at the city who made this happen!

If you want to be added to our weekly email update, please opt-in here: SIGN UP. Feel free to forward this to anyone you believe would also like to know about us.

Follow us on:  Next Door      Facebook
If you are local to the KC Metro join our FB volunteer group

If you have ever volunteered with us or we have been able to get you assistance, please consider leaving us a Google Review.

SFP receives food daily. Items can be picked up between 9 am and 5 pm, M – F, with no vetting or questions asked (except how many in your family and the county you are from). This does not affect your ability to get services, it just helps us know how to expand our services to meet the current needs. 


April 12th is our Second Saturday Lunch. If you can help provide food sign up here
If you are able to help with hair cuts sign-up here –…/30E0B49A4A928A1F49…
We will be keeping the meals simple as we prepare to move.

We have launched our Personal Finance Education Center. We will be expanding this project to include scout badges that be earned. Be sure to check out the link for additional details.

On 2nd Saturday’s Starfish Project Foundation will be offering FREE Heart Health Screenings from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm to serve our community. Saint Luke’s Cardiologists will be on site and offering the following services for FREE:

  • Heart/cardiovascular exam
  • Blood pressure check
  • Cholesterol check
  • Diabetes screening
  • Heart rhythm check
  • Heart risk assessment
  • FREE advice from a heart doctor about your heart health

Have a student interested in receiving the President’s Volunteer Service AwardClick here to learn more about how you can earn those hours at Starfish.  Students at OATC can also earn their CTE’s volunteering at Starfish.



-Your contributions help us provide several thousand meals and supplemental food items every year and hundreds of full-sized toiletry bags to those underserved in our community. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation. No amount is small!  Click here for ways to donate.

–Does your company match donations and give out community grants?  Click here for more details on how you can help us with those connections.

–UPS employees, spouses, and retirees: have you considered The Employee Giving Program, Dollar for Doers, or volunteering with us and having your hours entered into UPS Community Connections? If not, please consider looking HERE for more details.  Here are their next volunteer dates: Tuesday April 30th – 6:00-8:00 p.m.

–Need printing: fliers, newsletters, banners, posters, canvas prints. Consider using Sand Dollar Print Shop. Proceeds from print jobs help support Starfish Project Foundation. For free estimates, email or call 913-353-8021.

What do we need most? WE NEED MORE SPACE and funding to keep that space self-sustaining! We are continually being blessed with large (a lot of times pallets at a time) amounts food and project donations and in dire need of additional space. Do you know a business or storage company that would be willing to donate space (retail/warehouse/dock preferred)? If so, please reach out to We can provide a donation receipt.

–We have several volunteer shifts we need to fill to help distribute our food donations, here are the top slots needed: Tuesday/Thursday 830-130, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 1:30-5, Everyday 11-1:30. If you are able to assist, please reach out to

–We have a program every afternoon the Olathe school district is in session where we take in leftover food from all the junior high and high schools and then send them back out to families the same day. We are in great need of more volunteers due to our overwhelming number of families coming in. Our biggest needs are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The shifts are 1:30-4(ish). If you are interested please email

–Do you like to work with people? Consider helping us answer the phone and greet those that come in looking for help. please contact

–We get food deliveries every Saturday and Sunday at 8 am until about 10 am If you are interested in helping with receiving, counting, and putting items away for Monday, please contact

–Do you like to help with fundraising? We are putting together a committee to help us and would love to have you on our committee! Please email if you would be interested in helping!

–Looking for ambassadors that would like to help spread the word, help with event tables and spread acts of kindness around the city. Please email and let us know if you would like to be a lead or help.

–Do you have a cleaning service or like to clean? We have so many people going through our location daily that we would love to have a volunteer help clean and sanitize a couple of times a week.

–WE NEED YOUR HELP! With our limited space, we are not able to take in larger items. However, we can still fill those needs with your help. Do you have a few hours a week and can help us coordinate online?

–3 volunteers are needed on Friday afternoons to assist with the large number of deliveries that come in. Please contact suzannephillips@starfishproject21.orgif you can help.

–We are looking for a volunteer that could help us with some animation. This would be for our website and carry over to our marketing materials.

–We would love to start a Pay It Forward/Acts of Kindness group or groups. If you would be interested in creating or leading a group, please contact us at We would provide the support, meeting place, pay it forward cards, and share your requested needs in future volunteer emails.

–Social Media: If you are on social media, including Nextdoor Connect Here, Facebook Volunteer group –Request to join here, please consider sharing what we do with others you know. You never know who is struggling and who may need help finding their next meal.

Part of a group?

–Scout groups and groups looking for a project: We have several placemats looking for homes in senior and retirement centers. We would love to have help from local scout groups getting those distributed. For more information, email

–Groups or organizations that would like to volunteer as a team?  Here is a link with additional details on signing your team up.

–Do you want to volunteer but don’t know where to start or how you can help?  Please stop by The Beach, and let’s get you plugged in!  We have opportunities that come up daily.


Do you have items you would like to donate? We always have people in need looking for items! Due to our limited space, we can only take so much. Consider sharing your items on our volunteer page or Nextdoor group. Upload photos and contact information; this will help people connect much faster.
Facebook volunteer group


  • 10 more 66-quart clear plastic tubs for storage 
  • Clean/dry grocery sacks
  • Gallon-sized zip lock bags
  • 4×6 craft zip lock bags
  • Unused travel-sized toiletries
  • Clam shells click here to see example
  • We will take open bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash (maybe you got, but did not  like after you tried it)
  • Do you have bottles of wine that were given to you as a gift but won’t drink? We would love to have to make wine baskets for our silent auction
  • Have you ever gotten a new gift, but it was not for you? Maybe it is still in the back of a closet or in storage; consider donating to Starfish Project Foundation. 
  • Empty unlabeled clean medicine bottles
  • Washcloths
  • Old t-shirts (can be stained with holes, but please be sure they are clean)
  • Fleece (used for dog toys and muzzle mats for the rescues)
  • *Full-sized toiletries for Raleen’s Kids (especially shampoo and liquid body soap for boys and shaving gel/cream for both boys and girls). We created an Amazon wishlist for those that prefer to shop online.

Connecting Lives ♥ Resources ♥ Acts of Kindness