When young Olivia Ryburn was asked what she wanted for her birthday this year, she said instead of presents she wanted to help Starfish Project. Olivia’s mom Mitzy contacted Starfish Project’s founder Joni Clark-Moreland to see where they could help. Joni had just received a request to create and donate 100 school backpacks to Whittier Elementary School in Kansas City, KS which Mitzy and Oliva thought was a perfect way to help.
Watch this beautiful video about how Oliva paid it forward with an amazing act of kindness.
This is so awesome!! Woot woot!
This makes my heart leap for joy!
This is such a wonderful thing! Things like this is what’s needed here in JoCo! I know they do it for kids who are considered homeless but there are so many low income families that sometimes don’t have a way to get to or even know about,or have other reason they cant get to some of the smaller drives in the area! I hope to help this year with planning a drive like this for these families in this area along with the wonderful people who have the heart to do so much pay it forward moments like this!YES! YES! YES! TO THE COMMUNITY WORKING TOGETHER FOR OUR COMMUNITY!!