To assist in restoring dignity, self-respect, and hope to families residing in Clay County, Missouri, where circumstances have denied them basic human needs, such as adequate clothing, through non-judgmental service by dedicated and committed volunteers.
Clay County Clothes Closet is a non-profit organization that provides free clothing to Northland families in need.
Clay County Clothes Closet, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, provide free clothing to all members of the family in need irrespective of the Age (infants through Seniors)
Company Overview
Provide clothing to families in need including emergency with no age bar from infants through senior citizens.
General Information
We are 100% volunteer based organisation specially support our community with donated and new clothing from Infants through Senior Citizens.
We gladly accept clothing donations, offers to volunteer, and financial contributions.
A second location is 10901 Blue Ridge in Jackson County
Kansas City, MO 64134
(816) 763-3277