For nearly 20 years, One Good Meal has been delivering meals to Lee’s Summit shut-ins and the elderly.  Monday through Friday volunteers bake and deliver 70 – 150 meals to those in need.

Who is One Good Meal?


One Good Meal is a not-for-profit incorporated organization dedicated to providing hot meals to seniors and home-bound regardless of income.

 Accomplishments and Goals: 

Since its beginning in 1995, One Good Meal has continuously served mid-day meals Monday through Friday to seniors and handicapped individuals regardless of income.

 Over the course of those years, the number of individuals served has grown from 15 to currently over 100.  Because One Good Meal exists, anyone in need can receive a hot, nutritious meal.

 One Good Meal thanks to Hy-Vee for their many years of support.  Hy-Vee supplies the main dish and vegetables at a reduced cost and city funds go to help purchase the Styrofoam containers.  Volunteers supply the desserts.


How we started

In 1995, Betty McKnought had the idea to serve the elderly and handicapped in Lee’s Summit because the need exceeded the capacity of Meals on Wheels.

One Good Meal started with good intentions and five women. Currently there are over 155 people on the list to receive meals with an average of 108 meals served daily.

Our mission statement clearly defines our job as serving the elderly and handicapped one meal five days a week regardless of income. One Good Meal decided to forego most of the government funding available for organizations like it because the necessary controls restricted menus and clients.

One Good Meal has raised funds trough a number of activities over the years, from selling cookbooks to penny drives, from annual fall nut sales to spring garage sales.