We are currently 100% volunteer based. We desire to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We currently serve the homeless, the poor, those struck by disaster, first responders, as well as partnering with other organizations who help those in need.

Our goal is to equip people to serve throughout 50 cities in the Midwest, having a lasting impact on those communities. Networking with other organizations around the world, sending teams to serve and provide aid for Community Service, Emergency Response, Disaster Relief, and International Outreach.

Winter Needs Drive—Below is the following items we will be collecting in the month of OCTOBER 2013 to meet the needs on the Streets.

As you know it has begun to get colder & our goal as an organization is to get all those living on the streets outfitted for winter by OCTOBER 31st.
Item #1: Winter Coats (Good Quality / Men’s)
Item #2: Packages of Crew Socks
Item #3: Wool Socks
Item #4: Winter Boots (Sizes 8-13)
Item #5: Sleeping Bags
Item #6: Blankets
Item #7: Tents
Item #8: Tarps
Item #9: Hand Warmers
Item #10: Ski Gloves
Item #11: Stocking Caps
Item #12: Sterno Cans (6 Hrs)
Item #13: Scarfs
Item #14: Shirt & Pant Sets of Thermal Underwear (Sizes Med-XXXL)
Item #15: LARGE Containers of Hot Cocoa Mix (Sam’s Club / Costco)

This year we will also collect nice KIDS COATS to be distributed by teachers in public schools to meet the needs of families unable to purchase winter coats for their children.

CONTACT Scott LaMaster at 816-564-0656, for more details.

Together we can make a difference one person at a time.
Thank you for your support and investment in changing lives.
– Taking It To The Streets