Community Breakfast Program

Each Saturday, in collaboration with Metro Lutheran Ministry, True Light FRC provides a balanced, nutritious meal for people who are homeless or impoverished.  For many of the participants, this may be their only complete meal of the day.

Beginning and Advanced Sewing

Whether threading a machine for the first time, making or altering a garment, women are guided from beginning to completion of their projects.  This useful skill builds self-esteem and confidence in participants.

Computer Center

True Light FRC provides access to computers for women and men to search job sites and complete applications.  Volunteers are available to work with/teach those without computer skills.

Happy Bottoms Diaper Partnership

Through a collaboration with Happy Bottoms, True Light FRC is able to provide up to 50 diapers for over 153 infances and toddlers of low-income or indigent mothers each month.


Emancipation Station

Emancipation Station provides a safe day shelter for homeless women who would otherwise be on the streets during the hours overnight shelters are closed.  ES also provides these women a caring community, and essiential supports including a place to shower and have lunch or a snack, a phone to communicate, clothing, supportive services, and assistance with life-building skills among other supports.

Giving the Basics Partnership

​Through a collaboration with Giving the Basics, True Light provides low income people with “personal dignity” items (soap, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, combs, etc.) and home care items (toilet paper, trash bags, laundry soap, Kleenex, etc.).  Such items cannot be bought with Food Stamps, and for some people this is the only income they have. Giving the Basics addresses this critical need.


Computer Center

True Light FRC provides access to computers for women and men to search job sites and complete applications.  Volunteers are available to work with/teach those without computer skills.

Family Clothes Closet

​Quality, seasonal, clothing and hygiene items are available without cost to meet the needs of women, men and children.  Donations are welcomed Monday through Friday at True Light FRC, 712 E 31st St.